29/3/22: Harnessing the arts as a means to introduce and create engagement around difficult, sensitive topics and experiences in a safe-space environment is one approach Glencree has taken over the years.
This recent event was hosted as part of Glencree’s PeaceIV ‘Addressing the Legacy of Violence through Facilitated Dialogue’ project. This project was developed in response to inadequacies of the Good Friday / Belfast Agreement and subsequent political efforts to address the legacy of past violence. The aim of the project is to create meaningful, purposeful and sustained contact between victims/survivors groups, and representatives of groups and individuals with differing interpretations of what happened in Northern Ireland’s past. It also aims to create forums to share learnings from these dialogues on a national and international basis.
With the theme of ‘Those You Pass on the Street’, the event featured a performance by Kabosh Theatre Company. This was followed by an audience discussion, facilitated by author and broadcaster Barney Rowan, which explored the ongoing challenges and issues for victims and survivors in Northern Ireland.
Glencree’s ‘Addressing the Legacy of Violence through Facilitated Dialogue’ project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). To find out more about this project, click on the link below.
Address the Legacy of Violence >To view the recent presentation of this project and the work of Glencree to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, click on this link.
Joint Committee on Implementation of GFA