2/4/2024: Waterford Anti Racism Month, in conjunction with the Glencree Welcomes Refugees project of the Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation (Glencree), was delighted to hold an inaugural Men's Wellbeing event in Waterford on 25 March.
With men ranging in ages from 26 to 75 from across four continents taking part, the event explored Capacitar techniques for selfcare, wellbeing and trauma healing including head holds, finger holds, tai chi and Laban dance. Glencree facilitator Patty Abozaglo led the group during a two hour session which also included a lunch networking session.
The first in a planned series focused on men's wellbeing under the Glencree Welcomes Refugees project, this event was hosted in conjunction with Waterford Integration Services, local accommodation centres and Waterford City and County Council.
Participants from 4 continents take part in Glencree Welcomes Refugees event during Waterford Anti-Racism Month
Find out more about Glencree Welcomes Refugees Project >
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