JOURNAL: Dealing with the Legacy of Conflict in Northern Ireland through Engagement and Dialogue



Glencree Journal: “Dealing with the Legacy of Conflict in Northern Ireland through Engagement and Dialogue”

In 2017, the Glencree Centre for Peace & Reconciliation (Glencree) was awarded European Regional Development Fund funding under the PEACE IV Programme for the ‘Addressing the Legacy of Violence through Facilitated Dialogue’ project. The aim of this project, which will run until August 2022, is to create meaningful, purposeful and sustained contact between victims/survivors groups, and representatives of groups and individuals with differing interpretations of what happened in Northern Ireland’s past. It also aims to create forums to share learnings from these dialogues on a national and international basis.

One element of the project is ‘Dealing with the Legacy of Conflict in Northern Ireland through engagement and Dialogue’, a Journal by Glencree in conjunction with the Irish Centre for Human Rights at NUI Galway and Ulster University. The Journal features contributions from 19 authors including academics and practitioners in the fields of peace studies and conflict resolution. They bring a keen focus to many of the issues that are intrinsic to the Peace IV Project. Both individually and collectively, they will also help to inform practitioners in a wide variety of fields of future pathways to sustaining a just and equitable society in a post-conflict situation.

The Journal essays were peer reviewed by the Editorial Team led by Professor Ray Murphy of the Irish Human Rights Centre at NUI Galway, with Professor Patricia Lundy, Dr Niall Gilmartin and Dr Philip McDermott of Ulster University, and Dr Rory Finegan, Maynooth University and formerly Assistant Manager (2020) at Glencree of the Peace IV ‘Addressing the Legacy of Violence through Facilitated Dialogue’ Project.

The Glencree Journal was launched in March 2021 in a Webinar which featured a keynote address by Professor Brandon Hamber, John Hume and Thomas P. O’Neill Chair in Peace based at the International Conflict Research Institute (INCORE) at Ulster University.

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