Starts: 27 February 2025
These sessions are designed for women peacebuilders who are continuing their mediation training journey and are now eager to enhance their confidence in mediation processes and principles.
Next Gathering: Tuesday 4 March 2025, 1 – 2pm.
Book for review: Brotherless Night by V.V. Ganeshananthan
Our Peace Book Club provides space for collective learning, reflection and conversation amongst participants.
Diary Notice: Peace Book Club takes place on the last Tuesday of every month at 1pm (unless otherwise advised).
Next gathering: Wednesday 5 March, 1 - 2pm.
Launched in 2022, this virtual gathering of members of our All-Island Women's Peacebuilding Network, participants in our Women's Leadership programme and women leaders provides a regular, informal forum to network and share ideas, work plans and activities in the peacebuilding community.
24 & 25 March
This two-day in-person 'Conflict and Mediation Awareness' residential is designed to help women peacebuilders deepen their understanding of conflict dynamics and develop core mediation skills.
The Network engages women leaders from cross-community backgrounds in Northern Ireland, cross-border rural regions, and women with experience of political conflict/violence in their country of origin who now live on the island of Ireland.
As members of the network, women from across the generations, communities, cultures and ethnicities have the opportunity to connect, build relationships and share their experiences and learnings in peacebuilding and conflict transformation with other women in a safe-space.
Members are encouraged and supported to engage in policy conversations related to women’s needs and rights in the context of peacebuilding and post conflict transformation and become actors in peacebuilding processes and negotiations.
Network members can also take part in Glencree events and activities designed to support women in having their voices heard in policy conversations and peacebuilding processes relevant to women.
Following on Glencree Women's Leadership Programme participation in the OSCE Dialogue Academy for Young Women in October 2024, Glencree hosted a virtual Network exchange between our All-Island Women’s Peacebuilding Network (WPN) and OSCE's Dialogue Academy Alumni Network (DANA) on January 31st 2025.
“Listen Openly, Understand, Develop” women’s leadership and communication initiative (LOUD Women) was launched by Glencree Women's Leadership Programme and Louth Local Development (LDC) Social Inclusion and Community Activation (SICAP) programme. Run over 6 weeks in October & November 2024, this programme focused on equipping women in Co. Louth with the skills and tools to lead effectively, communicate confidently and advocate for themselves and their communities.
Bringing a very active and engaging year of our Peace Book Club to a close for 2024, we gathered at the Irish Film Institute for a screening of 'Small Things Like These' by Claire Keegan, our November book review. Other books in 2024 included 'The Ghost Limb' by Claire Mitchell; 'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel van der Kolk; 'Apeirogon' by Colum McCann; 'The Myth of Normal' by Gabor Mate, and many more.
Aligning to the objectives of our BRIDGE project to connect women across generations through storytelling, a number of our Network Members took part in an online workshop by Italian based SOLIS SRLS for professionals and practitioners working in non-formal learning, youth work, and intergenerational projects. The workshop explored how creative activities, such as visual arts and storytelling, can effectively bridge generational gaps and foster meaningful connections between young women and older adults.
In 2023, five young members of the All-Island Women's Peacebuilding Network drew on learnings from their participation in Glencree's Missing Peace project to develop their own intergenerational storytelling project.
Tuesday 5th November 6.00-7.30pm, Zoom
Building on the storytelling theme that has run through various activities of the Network this year and as part of our work with the BRIDGE Intergenerational Storytelling project, an online 'Introduction to Podcasting' workshop was hosted for Network members and programme participants in November. Facilitated by Eurobug International, who hosted the Spectrum Chat podcast (Irish-based Youthchat discussing social issues facing young people locally, nationally and internationally), the session focused on how to structure, design and develop a podcast episodes/series.
At the Organisation for Security & Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) Dialogue Academy for Young Women from Priština and Belgrade in October 2024, the importance of young women in decision-making processes that promote peacebuilding, women's leadership and the impact of different historical & geographical contexts was the focus of contributions by our Women's Leadership Programme Manager, Amina Moustafa and Women's Peacebuilding Network members Anne Walker & Sharon Crooks.
Highlighting the important work of women peacebuilders and leaders in their communities, Women's Leadership Programme Manager, Amina Moustafa, joined fellow speakers Paddy Harte, Chair of the International Fund for Ireland and Fergal O’Donnell, Galbally Community Centre at the "Peacebuilding and Collaboration" forum held as part of the Transforming Local Leadership Networking Event hosted by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) and The Wheel.
Glencree Women's Leadership Programme hosted 3 mediation practice sessions with Sharon Crooks across August and September for those who attended one of our introductory mediation trainings or experienced in mediation. These sessions focused on refreshing our understanding of the mediation process and building confidence as a mediator, and included role-play scenarios followed by a debrief.
Our next step in exploring the power of storytelling to support intergenerational connection and learning was through an interactive storytelling workshop with Theatre of Witness' founder, Teya Sepinuck in August 2024. During the session, Teya shared how she developed Theatre of Witness and facilitated interactive exercises with network members who joined from across the island of Ireland, Germany and the US. Their feedback included: "Reflecting on ancestors and looking forward to new generations helped me to have a wider and bigger perspective on my own life.", "Inter-generational aspects were key and very hopeful." and "Teya's techniques for holding a safe online space - her pretend bell, the holding our hands up to show we have heard, her directions to the participants which were gentle, direct and effective."
In 2023, five young members of the All-Island Women's Peacebuilding Network drew on learnings from their participation in Glencree's Missing Peace project to develop their own intergenerational storytelling project.
In the spirit of collaboration and co-design fostered in our Network, Members joined in an evaluation and planning session to reflect on past network activities, identify current needs and plan for the future in an interactive and collaborative process. Guided by Glencree's Measurement, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) Manager, Dorothée Potter-Daniau, these sessions took place online and in-person in August 2024
Network members took part in a 3-module training course towards certification as a Story Exchange Facilitator. The training was funded through the European Solidarity Corps BRIDGE Intergenerational Storytelling project and delivered online by Narrative4 facilitators.
Modules included:
Following the highly successful Network Gathering at Glencree on 1 May 2024, three working groups have been formed for network members to connect and collaborate on the following topics:
Following the workshops, each group met to continue the conversation and decide what they would like to do as a group - whether sharing their practices and experiences; supporting each other in addressing barriers or challenges; capacity-building opportunities, and more.
Wednesday 1 May 2024, 12-3pm.
An opportunity for Network Members to:
Tuesday 23 April 2024, 10 - 11am via Zoom
With Panelists:
Effectiveness In Facilitating Collaboration
An evaluation of the effectiveness of the Glencree All-Island Women's Peacebuilding Network in facilitating collaboration between members and with their existing organisations was conducted by Harriet Evens of the University of Winchester. This is one of five of the stated aims of the Network which was launched in September 2020. Findings from the research and evaluation were presented in an online member webinar on 21 February 2024.
Following on from the successful Mediation Training workshops held in 2023, Glencree Women's Leadership Programme hosted a 2-day Follow-Up Mediation Training Workshop in Dundalk on 19 - 20 February 2024. This workshop was open to programme participants who completed the Mediation Workshops held in 2023.
Read about this workshop here>
For more information about our Mediation Training series, please email Amina on:
In December 2023, the Glencree Women's Leadership programme launched the 'Mediators In Practice' series of webinars. This initiative stemmed from the success and demand for the 'Introduction to Mediation' training residentials hosted by the programme in 2023 which saw 46 women begin, or continue, their journey into mediation, adding to our existing network of experienced and practising mediators.To kickstart this series, two of Glencree’s network members hosted online webinars for fellow network members in December. These sessions were suitable for programme participants and network members who were both new to mediation or have prior experience in mediation. This series will continue throughout 2024 - with dates announced here in due course.
Glencree Women's Leadership Programme hosted a number of Mediation Training courses throughout 2023 for programme participants and Members of our All-Island Women’s Peacebuilding Network. Among the courses held was a workshop with Certified MII Mediator Catherine O'Connell in Dundalk on August and a two-day Mediation Training workshop in October.
Thank you to all the women peacebuilders and our network members for joining our first in-person Coffee & Collaboration gathering on 7 June 2023.
In collaboration with Herstory, marking International Women's Day 2022
Find Out MoreTestimonial performance in collaboration with Derry Playhouse
Find Out MoreIntegrating theory and practice for trauma informed facilitation
Find Out MoreFollowed by Q&A with Director Marcia Rock
Find Out MoreIf you would like to join the Glencree All-Island Women’s Peacebuilding Network, or for more information, please email
The Glencree All-Island Women’s Peacebuilding Network is part of Glencree’s Women’s Leadership Programme. This programme aims to support and empower women on the island of Ireland who have experience of political conflict/violence to become active leaders in the political processes that promote peacebuilding.
To find out more about Glencree’s Women’s Leadership Programme, please click on this link
We transform conflict by focusing on 6 key programme areas and sharing our expertise internationally.
View ProgrammesInternationally, we share our experiences and perspective from the Northern Ireland peace process in over 10 conflict and post-conflict countries.
International Work